
new york 07: times square at night.

in sum, the day's (May 28, 2010) events went like this: wake up, try to find a Starbucks, instead find the streets of New York, some bagels, and the sound of my own heart beating; head off to Times Square, 30 rock, and shopping; hot dog, grape soda, and a Carrie cupcake in Central Park; visit Apple store and FAO Schwarz; meet up with Kailey, Russell, and Russell and head to Chinatown after a quick look in Tiffany's; in Chinatown we ran into missionaries and tried to draw in a crowd for them, and also bought a $5 pashmina for the chill winds in NY that weekend; go to the Yankees game! I was the only one without a ticket and had to bum one off a charming salesman. it only took me about 20 minutes to find the $20, a reasonable price to pay for the funnest thing I did in NY; after the ball game we went back to Times Square to enjoy cheesecake; I considered going to the Empire State Building but decided it would be best to get home while I still had some guardians.

the group. Russell F., Jeff, Andrew, David F., John, Annique, Hannah, Brooke, Andrea, me.
some girls.
Jeff (left) had this thing about seeing Spiderman in New York.

we ran into Emily and Ryan in Times Square. Later, Jeff and John and I ran into Kailey and Sweeney in McDonald's. it was weird how we kept running into each other like we were on BYU campus or something.

1 comment:

marta said...

i've been thinking of you, my darling world traveler! i can't believe all the sights and sounds you've enjoyed this summer.. you lucky duck. glad you got to hit up NYC my favoritest place ever. xo.