
saffron revolution in burma

i love people that do stuff. this is why i was so happy wednesday when there were spots of red everywhere on campus, to bring awareness about the saffron revolution in burma. i signed the petition and i want to share with you:

200,000 people in burma are demonstrating against their government. what began as a reaction to increased fuel prices has drawn attention to larger grievances against the military government which is known for its systematic use of forced labor, child soldiers, and rape as a weapon of war.

nobel peace prize recipient Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, won 82% of the seats in the parliament in 1990. instead of ceding power to the will of the people, the military governemnt imprisioned many NLD members and supporters and kept Daw Aung San Suu Kyi under house arrest.

burma's millitary regime has maintained power by silencing free speech, imprisoning and torturing opposition leaders and democracy supporters, and terrorizing ethnic minorities including destroying more than 3000 villages and displacing more than 1 million refugees.

lead by thousands of monks, teh demonstrations are the larest the cutnry has seen in almost 20 years and have the potential to topple the regime. however, many fear a violent crackdown from the military which has recently moved troops within strking distance of the peaceful protestors.

on wednesday, 3000 byu students signed a petition, which is enough to send to the government to help.
you can help: let your voice be heard.

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