
behind them.

i found myself in a solitary corner near some doors to enter the concert hall. one after one, group after group, people would attempt to open these doors. but in vain, for they were locked. only one giant man in a suit-coat had a key, and he did not choose to share his access. each time someone approached, i debated: should i say something? i held my tongue because i just knew that no matter what i said, they would try the doors anyway. but then they appeared irritated when they found the doors locked and i had not warned them.

whatever was behind those doors i'm sure was wonderful. some place where each person had been told to go, but could not enter. i know they all found a way in because i later saw them coming out. but still, the meeting or music or wonderful something going on behind these glass doors was, for a moment, a shred of impossibility.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahaha. I love the image of that big fat guy with the key just sitting there, not letting them in. Also of you just sitting there not saying anything.