

the wedding was one of the best days of my life. i'm so happy for them both. family + friends surrounding. half of whom ask me what year of high school i'm in. the other half proclaiming in a threatening whisper 'you're next!'

one sad thing at the wedding, though. i misplaced my camera. i can't find it anywhere. could it be karma? everyone all night was telling me, 'your camera is on the table there dear.' and 'don't forget your camera!' just as the vases were emptied and the ribbon spooled up, i was sure i put it in my purse. until, no. it's somewhere, i just don't know where. i feel as if a part of me has died. {from.} it's strange though. i'm trying not to be over dramatic, but i just feel pure heartache every time my mind returns to that small box of silver. it is my best friend + sole companion. everywhere i go. my life shall be woefully wanting from this point on. and so shall this blog. i'm sorry.

got packed + unpacked all in a day. and took a bath tonight. i haven't taken one for probably 6 years at least. i'm not one for new years resolutions, but every person should resolve to take more baths. scrunch yourself into your {in my case, tiny} tub and immerse your ears, just to listen to the beat of your own heart.

as i stepped out of the bath and into my brand new towels, i noticed that unlike my old familiar yellow ones, these brown towels leave a mark of exactly where you dried off. imprinted residue of wetness exactly where i touched to my face. not sure why this stopped me. everywhere, things snag me. {by.}

epic sentences keep running through my head, as if i'm writing a soap opera or a dramatic play for the theater. i don't know why i feel so introspective. and retrospective.


megan said...

amy dear you hate baths. good for you for taking one. i enjoyed our short time together. i realized how much i miss you and your sweet family. hope to see you again soon.

Anonymous said...

amy, maybe the (I'm sure temporary) loss of yur camera is bringing forth these wonderful references and quotes: "you've got mail" and annie dillard. Maybe without your camera (surely we'll find it!)you'll be more literary than visualfor a time. (we're sttill looking.)
love your words,