welcome to the bane of my existence (not really bane, i just wanted something cool to say--and i didn't really know what it meant.) the brimhall building is the communications building. it used to be the garage of the president's house; now it is the home of every publication that comes out of byu. nearly. it is a charming building with lovely yellow brick, staircases galore, and comfy study areas.
i long to be one of those polished students who study in there with rightful purpose. someone who knows how to use the machines, can rant off the lingo, and greets friends and classmates with each step.
It's bane, not vain.
ok I heard that their is a hall way that encloses in and leads to a small door like in alice and wonderland. Is that true?
oh em gee. yes, karly. there is. i've seen it many times. it even has like a room number next to it. haha. so funny. i always think, now what on earth could that door be for?
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