
waking up.

my news writing teacher told us a story of when he was reporting for his college paper. he was assigned a story about the homeless people on campus, who often lined up for the free stuff frequently given out on campus. he met one man named charlie. at the end of a long, sad conversation, my teacher, eric, reached into his wallet to give charlie some money, but he didn't have any. then, charlie rummaged through his shopping cart full of dumpster findings and gave eric a calculator. eric asked him why he was giving him something. charlie said, because there have been mornings when i woke up, and found that the person next to me didn't. i know there is a god because of every morning that i wake up.

i found this via marta. i want to do it? i'm a little wary for 2 reasons
1) everyone is professional photographers
2) i don't have a camera.

please sign up though. i think i'm going to do it despite my limitations. please sign up. it is basically costless. and how wonderful to have a picture for every beautiful day you wake up.


Anonymous said...

i, too, read about this project via marta (which is also how i came upon you) and thought it was pretty great. like you, my limitations make me hesitate to partake, but the idea gives me inspiration for photo-taking practice. :)

melissa deakin said...

hi amy!
so happy to have found your blog and i didn't see this via marta's blog.
sounds like so much fun.
i'm going to give it a whirl!