

both glad and sad to be done with 92 students x 13 weeks of quizzes = 1,196 half sheets of paper. not including 3-page research papers, 2-page citizenship projects, 3 movie worksheets, and 2 essay midterms. glad to have them off of my shelves. final grades are in. you must appeal to higher authority now. thank you very much.

and yes, though final grades are in, final exams have begun. i really appreciate my finals this semester--mostly projects, presentations, and papers. real learning. real synthesis. i am here to be stretched, to be pulled like saltwater taffy. to be worn down until I'm built up. bring it.

1 comment:

wes said...

Bless your hard working soul!! Good luck this week! Love this post..."worn down until I'm built up"...you leave me speechless, friend!