

of course I'm having an identity crisis. it's what I do best. and I've been avoiding the old college try in all its forms. reading Huffington Post's chapter on better blogging for my new media class guilted me into posting. I don't have anything specific to say. I just need to get in the habit of saying something. the identity of my blog has changed in the last few months--and the lack of posts since India-mania reflects my own personal confusion. I don't know how to balance my time in India with the rest of my identity. what I am asking of you is that you stay with me while I re-explore all that I had in the last 2 years--but post-India.

school has started and I'm rediscovering how appropriate it is that what you study to get a degree in is called a major. that way, the major crisis I have at the beginning of every semester has a double meaning. but the first week of school is over and so is my crisis. I am remaining a double major in Print Journalism and American Studies with a minor in International Development. in other words, I'm graduating in another 3 years. the words of a devotional last semester keep ringing through my head: "you don't reach Serendip by plotting a course for it. you have to set out in good faith for elsewhere and lost your bearings...serendipitously" (Matthew J. Shumway, BYU, 2009).

I guess for now that's all I have to say. I am erasing the 10 GB of pictures on my SD cards, keeping it all on my computer of course. but promise to take some of the empty memory to campus and start documenting my life now. not my life then.

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