
day field trip.

einstein brother's bagels: i'd accompany anyone in any hour of the day here.  seriously.  i just love the brown + light .
emily girl. good luck on monday with your new job.  so qualified + fearless. 
the avenues.  more to come on them. 

i had my last and final interview for a while today.  true, i still have to find a steady summer job in st. george.  who knows how many interviews i have in my near future?  these past weeks have got me thinking, is your whole life just one long string of interviews? on my macbook desktop lies a folder marked 'applications.' it feels good to put an acceptance letter in there.  today's interview was for the be the best you camp in slc at the U. it went well and i still wait to hear from them. 

i made a day of it and spent it with sisters melissa and emily at einstein's along with mom + me scrapbooking store and dan's.  i had to give a little mock-devotional, and my 2 sisters helped me with a darling handout. thank you guys. i love you.  couldn't imagine anyone i'd rather spend the day with.  regretting not taking a picture of all 3 of us together. note to self. 

wish i could come up with a better word than transitional. but: this transitional stage in my life has me not so much questioning as just observing where exactly i stand in my family.  i was 5 when melissa went to college--but now there isn't much differences between us.  certainly emily and melissa are the first ones i call with problems, in need of guidance or advice.  they are so wise.  i think we are all becoming our mother. ahem. but other than that, i don't constantly feel like a little baby when i'm with them.  melissa and i--the oldest and youngest--even dated 2 brothers.  i guess the gap, for our family at least, is closing.  i'm grateful i get to have that closeness with all my sisters, not just the one i'm closest to.  

full circle: missed kate, who is in madison, wisconsin for...an interview.  


Phoebe said...

what beautiful sisters, only wish Carolyn was in the pic. too! Isn't it interesting how we all feel ourselves turning into our mothers! I wasn't always sure how I felt about that... the older I get the more I "hope" it happens! What a great mother you girls have,and she has raised some talented beautiful girls! And I have to agree how weird it is that pretty soon everyone is the same age!! Sounds like such a fun weekend!

Phoebe said...

and p.s. CONGRATS on getting the job! I had no doubts!

erica said...

we are so lucky to have sisters! i can't imagine life without them.


rawhide said...

you 4 look so cute. thanks for letting me read your blog. it makes me feel old and young all at the same time. and i love getting to read all about amy mcdonald in the middle of the night when i am working at the hospital and trying to stay awake.....i love melissa's house.....i want to live there too!