

look what i found wandering down the stairs.  i can't believe people are so incredibly nice. really. the note read (something to effect of) : "this surprise is for whoever finds it. good luck with finals. have a great day." so on + so forth.  can you believe things like this actually happen?  i spent much of my day being awakened internally to the problems of the world, and the problems with myself.   a more portion was filled with resolutions to fix the problems with the world, and the problems with myself.  but the latter part of my day was thinking how incredibly blessed i am.  who does this? really. 

last night, a friend who i'd told months ago that i'd misplaced my headphones knocked on my door, handed me brand new head phones and said 'here you go.' matter of fact. 


Ariel said...

I saw one of those last week outside of the testing center and I thought it was a joke...I figured there had to be a catch and then the person behind me snatched it and at the candy bar. Pretty funny.

alyson. said...

how awesome. isn't it nice when you see the nice people in the world rather than the grumpy ones? :)