

when i moved home to st. george, my bedroom needed serious de-junking and sorting.  i am, have always been, and always will be a keeper.  a hoarder of anything that sparks a memory.  i came across so many good things that only confirms my need to continue to save small trinkets, notes, tickets, programs, handouts, etc.  in my endeavors to sort, i continuously found the most darling and dearest notes from this girl. they were all from high school; saying 'good luck!' for so many various auditions and tryouts and such. she and i are the kind of friends who don't see much of each other, but somehow keep in touch always. her once college-freshman-blog has suddenly transformed into a daring adventure to all who read it.  she has gone to london for a summer study abroad and any of you can take part.  i imagine if you've ever been to england and are missing it, karly will take you wherever you want to go.   as i found her thoughtful notes, i was wishing i had a little big ben, or a stuffed airplane where i could say, bon voyage! good luck in london dear. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

amy oh my gosh I so do not deserve this! You are the sweetest thing in the world. Thank you Thank you! And I just love you dearly