
i think i'm a judge.

so I know we're only at top 10, but I'm already way into Idol. it's probably premature, but here is my opinion:

first off, let's start with Kara. I was very put off by Kara in the beginning. but she has proven herself to me. I guess I was a little annoyed that she never asked for anyone's approval--she just started throwing out her critiques. but I think she is dead on most of the time. she's like...a normal person. Paula's way too nice. Simon can be too harsh (although I typically agree with him). and Randy is just stupid. so I say a-ok to Kara.

I've never really noticed Matt before this week. and I thought his performance was dead on. whether I want him to win? I'm not sure. up against everyone else I think he isn't the best.

Kris Allen - omg. I love him. he is the new David for me. he is my all time favorite. his vocals are right on, his face is adorable, and his personality is, as Paula said, infectious. every week he chooses excellent songs and really makes them his own (but not too much his own).
Megan from Sandy. I just don't know what to say about her. her voice is super unique, but I agreed with the judges--her song choice just didn't do it for me. she is quite beautiful though. every season you have someone on the show who is on American Idol but would never watch it. I guess that's a philosophical question for another time--but I feel like Megan doesn't deserve to be an idol.

oh Scott. I think he's good, but again I agree with the judges. he just didn't come to bat.

how Michael is still on the show I don't know. I think he's all right--but not Idol material. his voice isn't bad, but his song choices have been consistently cheesy. I'm having flashbacks to Kristy Lee Cook. ew.

um, okay. Anoop. need I say more? I looooooooove Anoop. have from the beginning. it's a tie for me between him and Kris. I think it's premature to say which one I like better--I haven't seen the personality I would like to from Anoop, but I love him.

I missed Adam and Lil Rounds but neither of them are my favorite. that's not really fair because I've never herard Lil Rounds. what I did hear in the recap, she was good. Danny is all right, but not impressing me enough.

knock my socks off--Allison is beautiful and her voice is incredible. she seriously sings like nobody's business. I love Kris and Anoop--but if I had to choose a winner, I'd say Allison deserves it. she has the strongest vocals in the entire competition, also, she is so much younger than all of her competitors--and that's saying something!as you can tell, my top 3 are Allison, Kris, and Anoop. what do you think?


Karly Barker said...

I AM IN LOVE WITH KRIS! I am so pathetic. Once I was at home and I took the tivo and replayed it so many times to see if I could see garment lines cause I want him to Mormon. SHH don't tell. He is adorable! But I also love allison!

beck said...

yea! i love you AI reviews! i think i should start my one. i am a total fan of the show. love kris allen, but don't think he'll go all the way. and love allison. anoop is such a cutie and amazing singer. i think i might just have to post something myself. :) thanks for the inspiration. :)

Abby said...

yay! im so glad you posted about this!

I LOVE kara.. i think she's great... way better than paula.

Kris is for sure one of my favs if not my favorite...

I really like anoop too.. i like his personality.. dont think he'll win though

I love megans voice.. I would buy her Cd in a heartbeat... she' got weird dancing though

adam i find myself being excited to see what he will do... for sure not my type.. but i kinda like him.. his song last night was soo good

matt... amazing last night!! soo good!

allison.. i think she is super good.. but for some reason not in my top vote

the others i dont reallly care for at all...


erica said...

okay, i absolutely couldn't stand kara during auditions....she is growing on me, but she just acts like she's been there forever and that bugs.
i dont really have a favorite at the moment...kris is really good, i've always liked him. i just dont think he's going to win. love megan! love her style, her voice, even her dancing (even though it is a little awkward - it makes me smile)
scott...i think he needs to go. hes got a good voice, but i can hardly watch him. is that rude? he is amazing on the piano. hes got talent, but not enough to take it...unless he gets the sympathy card?
adam...BARF! seriously, i think he's a woman. not a fan of his at all.
love allison, love danny...im going to quit now. so many that i didn't even comment about..but this is the longest comment ever!